Style The Map


        @interface MGLStyle : NSObject

The proxy object for the current map style.

MGLStyle provides a set of convenience methods for changing Mapbox default styles using MGLMapView.styleURL. Learn more about Mapbox default styles.

It is also possible to directly manipulate the current map style via by updating the style’s data sources or layers.


Wait until the map style has finished loading before modifying a map’s style via any of the MGLStyle instance methods below. You can use the -[MGLMapViewDelegate mapView:didFinishLoadingStyle:] or -[MGLMapViewDelegate mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap:] methods as indicators that it’s safe to modify the map’s style.

See the Default styles example to learn how to initialize an MGLMapView object with a Mapbox default style using MGLStyle‘s class methods.

Accessing Default Styles

Accessing Metadata About the Style

  • name

    The name of the style.

    You can customize the style’s name in Mapbox Studio.



    @property (copy, readonly, nullable) NSString *name;


    var name: String? { get }

Managing Sources

  • sources

    A set containing the style’s sources.



    @property (nonatomic, strong) NSSet<__kindof MGLSource *> *_Nonnull sources;


    var sources: Set<AnyHashable> { get set }
  • transition

    Values describing animated transitions to changes on a style’s individual paint properties.



    @property (nonatomic) MGLTransition transition;


    var transition: MGLTransition { get set }
  • performsPlacementTransitions

    A boolean value indicating whether label placement transitions are enabled.

    The default value of this property is YES.



    @property (nonatomic) BOOL performsPlacementTransitions;


    var performsPlacementTransitions: Bool { get set }
  • -sourceWithIdentifier:

    Returns a source with the given identifier in the current style.


    Source identifiers are not guaranteed to exist across styles or different versions of the same style. Applications that use this API must first set the style URL to an explicitly versioned style using a convenience method like +[MGLStyle outdoorsStyleURLWithVersion:], MGLMapView’s “Style URL” inspectable in Interface Builder, or a manually constructed NSURL. This approach also avoids source identifer name changes that will occur in the default style’s sources over time.



    - (nullable MGLSource *)sourceWithIdentifier:(nonnull NSString *)identifier;


    func source(withIdentifier identifier: String) -> MGLSource?

    Return Value

    An instance of a concrete subclass of MGLSource associated with the given identifier, or nil if the current style contains no such source.

  • -addSource:

    Adds a new source to the current style.


    Adding the same source instance more than once will result in a MGLRedundantSourceException. Reusing the same source identifier, even with different source instances, will result in a MGLRedundantSourceIdentifierException.


    Sources should be added in -[MGLMapViewDelegate mapView:didFinishLoadingStyle:] or -[MGLMapViewDelegate mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap:] to ensure that the map has loaded the style and is ready to accept a new source.



    - (void)addSource:(nonnull MGLSource *)source;


    func addSource(_ source: MGLSource)



    The source to add to the current style.

  • -removeSource:

    Removes a source from the current style.


    Source identifiers are not guaranteed to exist across styles or different versions of the same style. Applications that use this API must first set the style URL to an explicitly versioned style using a convenience method like +[MGLStyle outdoorsStyleURLWithVersion:], MGLMapView’s “Style URL” inspectable in Interface Builder, or a manually constructed NSURL. This approach also avoids source identifer name changes that will occur in the default style’s sources over time.



    - (void)removeSource:(nonnull MGLSource *)source;


    func removeSource(_ source: MGLSource)



    The source to remove from the current style.

  • -removeSource:error:

    Removes a source from the current style.


    Source identifiers are not guaranteed to exist across styles or different versions of the same style. Applications that use this API must first set the style URL to an explicitly versioned style using a convenience method like +[MGLStyle outdoorsStyleURLWithVersion:], MGLMapView’s “Style URL” inspectable in Interface Builder, or a manually constructed NSURL. This approach also avoids source identifer name changes that will occur in the default style’s sources over time.



    - (BOOL)removeSource:(nonnull MGLSource *)source
                           error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)outError;


    func removeSource(_ source: MGLSource, error: ()) throws



    The source to remove from the current style.


    Upon return, if an error has occurred, a pointer to an NSError object describing the error. Pass in NULL to ignore any error.

    Return Value

    YES if source was removed successfully. If NO, outError contains an NSError object describing the problem.

Managing Style Layers

  • layers

    The layers included in the style, arranged according to their back-to-front ordering on the screen.



    @property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray<__kindof MGLStyleLayer *> *_Nonnull layers;


    var layers: [MGLStyleLayer] { get set }
  • -layerWithIdentifier:

    Returns a style layer with the given identifier in the current style.


    Layer identifiers are not guaranteed to exist across styles or different versions of the same style. Applications that use this API must first set the style URL to an explicitly versioned style using a convenience method like +[MGLStyle outdoorsStyleURLWithVersion:], MGLMapView’s “Style URL” inspectable in Interface Builder, or a manually constructed NSURL. This approach also avoids layer identifer name changes that will occur in the default style’s layers over time.



    - (nullable MGLStyleLayer *)layerWithIdentifier:(nonnull NSString *)identifier;


    func layer(withIdentifier identifier: String) -> MGLStyleLayer?

    Return Value

    An instance of a concrete subclass of MGLStyleLayer associated with the given identifier, or nil if the current style contains no such style layer.

  • -addLayer:

    Adds a new layer on top of existing layers.


    Adding the same layer instance more than once will result in a MGLRedundantLayerException. Reusing the same layer identifer, even with different layer instances, will also result in an exception.


    Layers should be added in -[MGLMapViewDelegate mapView:didFinishLoadingStyle:] or -[MGLMapViewDelegate mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap:] to ensure that the map has loaded the style and is ready to accept a new layer.



    - (void)addLayer:(nonnull MGLStyleLayer *)layer;


    func addLayer(_ layer: MGLStyleLayer)



    The layer object to add to the map view. This object must be an instance of a concrete subclass of MGLStyleLayer.

  • -insertLayer:atIndex:

    Inserts a new layer into the style at the given index.


    Adding the same layer instance more than once will result in a MGLRedundantLayerException. Reusing the same layer identifer, even with different layer instances, will also result in an exception.


    Layers should be added in -[MGLMapViewDelegate mapView:didFinishLoadingStyle:] or -[MGLMapViewDelegate mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap:] to ensure that the map has loaded the style and is ready to accept a new layer.



    - (void)insertLayer:(nonnull MGLStyleLayer *)layer atIndex:(NSUInteger)index;


    func insertLayer(_ layer: MGLStyleLayer, at index: UInt)



    The layer to insert.


    The index at which to insert the layer. An index of 0 would send the layer to the back; an index equal to the number of objects in the layers property would bring the layer to the front.

  • -insertLayer:belowLayer:

    Inserts a new layer below another layer.


    Layer identifiers are not guaranteed to exist across styles or different versions of the same style. Applications that use this API must first set the style URL to an explicitly versioned style using a convenience method like +[MGLStyle outdoorsStyleURLWithVersion:], MGLMapView’s “Style URL” inspectable in Interface Builder, or a manually constructed NSURL. This approach also avoids layer identifer name changes that will occur in the default style’s layers over time.

    Inserting the same layer instance more than once will result in a MGLRedundantLayerException. Reusing the same layer identifer, even with different layer instances, will also result in an exception.

    See the Add multiple shapes from a single shape source example to learn how to add a layer to your map below an existing layer.



    - (void)insertLayer:(nonnull MGLStyleLayer *)layer
                     belowLayer:(nonnull MGLStyleLayer *)sibling;


    func insertLayer(_ layer: MGLStyleLayer, below sibling: MGLStyleLayer)



    The layer to insert.


    An existing layer in the style.

  • -insertLayer:aboveLayer:

    Inserts a new layer above another layer.


    Layer identifiers are not guaranteed to exist across styles or different versions of the same style. Applications that use this API must first set the style URL to an explicitly versioned style using a convenience method like +[MGLStyle outdoorsStyleURLWithVersion:], MGLMapView’s “Style URL” inspectable in Interface Builder, or a manually constructed NSURL. This approach also avoids layer identifer name changes that will occur in the default style’s layers over time.

    Inserting the same layer instance more than once will result in a MGLRedundantLayerException. Reusing the same layer identifer, even with different layer instances, will also result in an exception.

    See the Add an image example to learn how to add a layer to your map above an existing layer.



    - (void)insertLayer:(nonnull MGLStyleLayer *)layer
                     aboveLayer:(nonnull MGLStyleLayer *)sibling;


    func insertLayer(_ layer: MGLStyleLayer, above sibling: MGLStyleLayer)



    The layer to insert.


    An existing layer in the style.

  • -removeLayer:

    Removes a layer from the map view.


    Layer identifiers are not guaranteed to exist across styles or different versions of the same style. Applications that use this API must first set the style URL to an explicitly versioned style using a convenience method like +[MGLStyle outdoorsStyleURLWithVersion:], MGLMapView’s “Style URL” inspectable in Interface Builder, or a manually constructed NSURL. This approach also avoids layer identifer name changes that will occur in the default style’s layers over time.



    - (void)removeLayer:(nonnull MGLStyleLayer *)layer;


    func removeLayer(_ layer: MGLStyleLayer)



    The layer object to remove from the map view. This object must conform to the MGLStyleLayer protocol.

Managing a Style’s Images

  • -imageForName:

    Returns the image associated with the given name in the style.


    Names and their associated images are not guaranteed to exist across styles or different versions of the same style. Applications that use this API must first set the style URL to an explicitly versioned style using a convenience method like +[MGLStyle outdoorsStyleURLWithVersion:], MGLMapView’s “Style URL” inspectable in Interface Builder, or a manually constructed NSURL. This approach also avoids image name changes that will occur in the default style over time.



    - (nullable UIImage *)imageForName:(nonnull NSString *)name;


    func image(forName name: String) -> UIImage?



    The name associated with the image you want to obtain.

    Return Value

    The image associated with the given name, or nil if no image is associated with that name.

  • -setImage:forName:

    Adds or overrides an image used by the style’s layers.

    To use an image in a style layer, give it a unique name using this method, then set the iconImageName property of an MGLSymbolStyleLayer object to that name.

    See the Use images to cluster point data and Cluster point data examples to learn how to add images to your map using an MGLStyle object.



    - (void)setImage:(nonnull UIImage *)image forName:(nonnull NSString *)name;


    func setImage(_ image: UIImage, forName name: String)



    The image for the name.


    The name of the image to set to the style.

  • -removeImageForName:

    Removes a name and its associated image from the style.


    Names and their associated images are not guaranteed to exist across styles or different versions of the same style. Applications that use this API must first set the style URL to an explicitly versioned style using a convenience method like +[MGLStyle outdoorsStyleURLWithVersion:], MGLMapView’s “Style URL” inspectable in Interface Builder, or a manually constructed NSURL. This approach also avoids image name changes that will occur in the default style over time.



    - (void)removeImageForName:(nonnull NSString *)name;


    func removeImage(forName name: String)



    The name of the image to remove.

Managing the Style's Light

Localizing Map Content

  • -localizeLabelsIntoLocale:

    Attempts to localize labels in the style into the given locale.

    This method automatically modifies the text property of any symbol style layer in the style whose source is the Mapbox Streets source. On iOS, the user can set the system’s preferred language in Settings, General Settings, Language & Region. On macOS, the user can set the system’s preferred language in the Language & Region pane of System Preferences.



    - (void)localizeLabelsIntoLocale:(nullable NSLocale *)locale;


    func localizeLabels(into locale: Locale?)



    The locale into which labels should be localized. To use the system’s preferred language, if supported, specify nil. To use the local language, specify a locale with the identifier mul.


        @interface MGLLight : NSObject

An MGLLight object represents the light source for extruded geometries in MGLStyle.


let light = MGLLight()
        let position = MGLSphericalPosition(radial: 5, azimuthal: 180, polar: 80)
        light.position = NSExpression(forConstantValue: NSValue(mglSphericalPosition: position))
        light.anchor = NSExpression(forConstantValue: "map") = light

See the Adjust light of 3D buildings to learn how to create and modify the light source for 3D geometries.

  • anchor

    Whether extruded geometries are lit relative to the map or viewport.

    The default value of this property is an expression that evaluates to viewport.

    You can set this property to an expression containing any of the following:

    • Constant MGLAnchor values
    • Any of the following constant string values:
      • map: The position of the light source is aligned to the rotation of the map.
      • viewport: The position of the light source is aligned to the rotation of the viewport.
    • Predefined functions, including mathematical and string operators
    • Conditional expressions
    • Variable assignments and references to assigned variables
    • Step functions applied to the $zoomLevel variable

    This property does not support applying interpolation functions to the $zoomLevel variable or applying interpolation or step functions to feature attributes.

    This property corresponds to the anchor light property in the Mapbox Style Specification.



    @property (nonatomic) NSExpression *_Nonnull anchor;


    var anchor: NSExpression { get set }
  • position

    Position of the MGLLight source relative to lit (extruded) geometries, in a MGLSphericalPosition struct [radial coordinate, azimuthal angle, polar angle] where radial indicates the distance from the center of the base of an object to its light, azimuthal indicates the position of the light relative to 0° (0° when MGLLight.anchor is set to MGLLightAnchorViewport corresponds to the top of the viewport, or 0° when MGLLight.anchor is set to MGLLightAnchorMap corresponds to due north, and degrees proceed clockwise), and polar indicates the height of the light (from 0°, directly above, to 180°, directly below).

    The default value of this property is an expression that evaluates to an MGLSphericalPosition struct set to 1.15 radial, 210 azimuthal and 30 polar.

    You can set this property to an expression containing any of the following:

    • Constant MGLSphericalPosition values
    • Predefined functions, including mathematical and string operators
    • Conditional expressions
    • Variable assignments and references to assigned variables
    • Interpolation and step functions applied to the $zoomLevel variable

    This property does not support applying interpolation or step functions to feature attributes.

    This property corresponds to the position light property in the Mapbox Style Specification.

    See the Adjust light of 3D buildings example to learn how to create and modify the position of value of an MGLLight object for 3D geometries.



    @property (nonatomic) NSExpression *_Nonnull position;


    var position: NSExpression { get set }
  • positionTransition

    The transition affecting any changes to this layer’s position property.

    This property corresponds to the position property in the style JSON file format.



    @property (nonatomic) MGLTransition positionTransition;


    var positionTransition: MGLTransition { get set }
  • color

    Color tint for lighting extruded geometries.

    The default value of this property is an expression that evaluates to UIColor.whiteColor.

    You can set this property to an expression containing any of the following:

    • Constant UIColor values
    • Predefined functions, including mathematical and string operators
    • Conditional expressions
    • Variable assignments and references to assigned variables
    • Interpolation and step functions applied to the $zoomLevel variable

    This property does not support applying interpolation or step functions to feature attributes.

    This property corresponds to the color light property in the Mapbox Style Specification.



    @property (nonatomic) NSExpression *_Nonnull color;


    var color: NSExpression { get set }
  • colorTransition

    The transition affecting any changes to this layer’s color property.

    This property corresponds to the color property in the style JSON file format.



    @property (nonatomic) MGLTransition colorTransition;


    var colorTransition: MGLTransition { get set }
  • intensity

    Intensity of lighting (on a scale from 0 to 1). Higher numbers will present as more extreme contrast.

    The default value of this property is an expression that evaluates to the float 0.5.

    You can set this property to an expression containing any of the following:

    • Constant numeric values between 0 and 1 inclusive
    • Predefined functions, including mathematical and string operators
    • Conditional expressions
    • Variable assignments and references to assigned variables
    • Interpolation and step functions applied to the $zoomLevel variable

    This property does not support applying interpolation or step functions to feature attributes.

    This property corresponds to the intensity light property in the Mapbox Style Specification.



    @property (nonatomic) NSExpression *_Nonnull intensity;


    var intensity: NSExpression { get set }
  • intensityTransition

    The transition affecting any changes to this layer’s intensity property.

    This property corresponds to the intensity property in the style JSON file format.



    @property (nonatomic) MGLTransition intensityTransition;


    var intensityTransition: MGLTransition { get set }